Representatives of management and supervision of mine action operators including MAG, PTVN, NPA/RENEW, Golden West and provincial military liaison observers of the operators attended the meeting.
At the site, the NPA/RENEW representative introduced the structure and operating principles of the "Scorpion" detection system, which is a detector with technological applications in the field of humanitarian demining in Quang Tri funded by the U.S DoD. The "Scorpion" detection system is in the process of piloting and researching with many advantages. All operators paid much attention to the device and discussed it. Also, they look forward to having the opportunity to learn and discuss further in the future.
In addition, the operators also quickly updated their results in March and upcoming plans as well as requested QTMAC's support in resolving some problems during operations.
On behalf of QTMAC, Mr. Dinh Ngoc Vu - Deputy Director would like to express his gratitude to NPA/RENEW for successfully supporting the site visit. He also hopes that the "Scorpion" detection system will be one of the tools and solutions that can help speed up the clearance in appropriate contaminated areas through coordination, management, and supervision of QTMAC.
Sincere thanks to the US Government for funding to improve the capacity for QTMAC as well as supporting mine action activities in Quang Tri province!